"What's Your Fantaji?" Decks

These are the bold genre decks we use in conventions to create exciting one-off adventures with ZERO PREP. Choose which genres you want in play, shuffle the cards together, and draw random obstacles onto the table. It's procedural generation in a tabletop game.
Each deck has 4 genres with 10 cards each and includes 10 related themes. They are dry-erasable cardstock tiles, ready for hitting the table again and again. Decks come in sturdy and elegant slip-boxes that work for storage and on the table.
Volume 1: Pulp Adventure, Fantasy, Horror, Steampunk
Volume 2: Superhero, Science-Fiction, Post-Apocalyptic, Wuxia
This is the second printing, and they are still going fast. Get yours today before the convention season arrives and wipes out the rest.